I know what I thought about myself for most of my life. Let me give you a peek inside my mind for the prior 50+ years of my life. Most of my life, even as a child, I thought I was worthless. Even if I try to put that thought in perspective, in the mind of a small child that didn't know any better, that's very, very sad:( Wow! How many children do we come in contact with during our lives and have no idea that they think they are worthless? Worthless is an awful place to be.
As an adult, most of my life, I thought I was worthless. Deep down inside, no matter how hard I tried, or how great a mother and a wife I was, and I was very good at both of those, I felt worthless. What happens when you do your very best and you still feel like you fall so far short of the mark you have set for yourself? Then what? What if the people that are so very important in your life make you feel like you are so unimportant? What then?
Now hold on! If that's true, and it is, what if I change what I think? What if the thoughts I now allow my mind to think, say I'm AWESOME? That is a life changer! It is! Think of the possibilities!
If every thought you think about yourself is how wonderful you are, how can you be anything but wonderful! Take it a step further. What if every thought you have is about how healthy you are? How about how financially set you are? How blessed you are? How at peace you are? How much you are loved? Woohoo! I can hardly contain myself at the prospect!
This is what I've been practicing and I invite you to do the same. It will change your life! It has changed mine! I want you to know just how powerful your thoughts are about who you are! I want you to love yourself! That's what I want for you!
Please take a few minutes to be really honest with yourself. It's not easy, that I know. Think about what thoughts you say to yourself. Think about how you really feel about yourself. Think about all the things you think that you would not share with anyone else. Believe me, you haven't thought anything about yourself that I haven't thought about myself! This is where you get to change everything! This is where you get to empower yourself. This is where you set yourself free! Oh, I like that! I really do! I hope you like it too!!!! Set yourself free! Change your thoughts and you change your world!
I Am Awesome!