Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I'm Not Going Blind!

I haven't written a blog since the end of June.  I haven't felt any Divine inspiration and to be honest, I've been busy fighting with my PC.  Just so you know, I don't like PC's.  I don't know why I bought one, but I did.  I'm a Mac person.  I am.  So as usual, I was using my PC two days ago and it started refusing to do what I wanted it to.  Of course it did!  It always does!  But this time, I showed it!  Before I took a hammer to it, I sat it down, grabbed my keys and headed out to buy a Mac!  Yea!  Go Apple!  Sorry if you're a PC:(

Now, the above doesn't really have to do with anything other than, sometimes I'm just not right!  Sometimes my elevator just doesn't quite reach the top!  Sometimes I'm just not playing with a full deck!  Ok, you get the idea.  So I'm going to tell you something that made me laugh, out loud, hysterically, all night last night!

Over about the last month I've been having trouble seeing my iPad.  I mean a lot of trouble.  I keep adjusting my glasses, cleaning them and still I can't see it well.  I just had my eyes checked a couple of months ago and these are new glasses. I use my iPad all the time.  I've thought several times and even said out loud many times over the last month, "God, please tell me I am not going blind.  Now if you want me to go blind, I'll deal with it, but really?"  I can handle it, I guess, but I certainly didn't want to.

Last night I'm at Heather's house watching Jadyn, Diesel, and Salim.  I brought my iPad so Diesel is playing on Heathers and I'm on mine.  He's sitting next to me and he says, "Nana, how can you see that iPad?"  I looked at him, in shock, and said, "You can't see it good either?"  He said, "No.  It's too dark.  I can fix it for you."  Ok, so Diesel's 8 years old.  So he tells me to
go to Settings, then Brightness/Wallpapers and I can adjust the brightness!  Now, of course, I know that.  Did I think of it?  I did not!  I have been trying to see that iPad for a month, and thinking maybe I am going blind and all I had to do was adjust the brightness setting!  So I told him, "Oh my gosh, "D" I thought I was going blind!  He laughed and laughed and said, "Nana you aren't going blind.  We laughed about it all night!  I told him he could stay up an extra 20 minutes past his bedtime because I am not going blind!  I mean, that's the least I could do!

After the boys went to bed, Jadyn and I were talking and she told me she had something she needed to tell me.  She said, "Remember how you thought you were going blind?  Well the last time I spent the night, (which was about a month ago) I was playing on your iPad in the bed and I turned down the brightness on it.  I thought I turned it back up, but now I think maybe I forgot." We laughed and laughed!  It was awesome!

The good new is, I'M NOT GOING BLIND!  The best news is, MY GRANDCHILDREN ARE AWESOME!  Just when you have a couple of days that are stressful (PC) and you lose your temper a few times over it, you realize that none of that is important!  Just see life simply like children do!  They have the right idea!  Life is Good!

I Can See!

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