Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I love faith!  Faith is the ability to step into the uncertain.  Faith is a confidence, not a certainty.  Those are the words that our youth pastor used to describe faith.  And he is right.  Every time I have had to have faith it was for the unseen, or the unknown outcome. 

Jesus said, "The simple truth is that if you had a mere kernel, a poppy seed, say, you would tell this mountain, "Move!' and it would move.  There is nothing you wouldn't be able to tackle."  (Message Bible, Matthew 17.20)

This is one of my favorite bible verses, though, before divorce, I'm not sure I understood exactly what it would mean to me.  From almost the minute I realized my marriage was over, I used many, many verses from the bible to get me through the toughest time in my life that I could ever imagine.  The above one, though, I think I have repeated millions of times, and still do!  It wasn't until recently though that the definition of "mountain" became so clear to me.  That's what I want to share.

Every one of us has come upon hard times.  Every one of us at some point in our life, didn't think we
could survive today, let alone tomorrow.  I know I was surviving second by second, and even that at many times seemed unattainable.  Now I had faith that God would get me through it.......eventually.  I'm not afraid to admit that there were many times that I lost faith.  Times I was so frustrated and so angry at God for taking soooo long.  After all, I needed to move on.  I was ready!  Or was I?

The other morning, as I was walking on the beach and having my usual morning conversation with God, faith and moving mountains came to my mind.  All of a sudden it hit me.  At least in my case, God was not talking about a physical mountain.  He was telling me to move the mountains out of my life!  Move the mountains that are keeping me from moving forward.  Move the mountains out of my way!  When I hit one of my mountains, it's like hitting a brick wall.  I stop!  I get thrown back a few feet and I fall down!  Sometimes I almost have a panic attack!  Then I have to pick myself up and re-take those few steps forward, again!  This revelation is huge! I can see all the possibilities now!

So what are some of my mountains?  Fear, self-doubt, and uncertainty  Fear is by far my biggest mountain.  I have made great strides though in the last couple of years!  I've definitely been able to conquer some of my fears already, but there are many more.  Each new adventure is a "mountain moving" experience and I'm loving it! 

This is what I do now that I've figured out what God was telling me:  When one of those mountains get in my way, I say, "Ok mountain of ___________, GET OUT OF MY WAY!  For me that seems to give me enough courage not to give up! 

So maybe, just maybe, the next time you are facing a mountain of your own, you will try my experiment and demand the mountain to get out of your way!  Then have the smallest amount of faith that God will move that mountain for you.  He absolutely will!

I feel a new tattoo coming on!  Just saying!

FaiTh MoVeS MoUnTaiNs!

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