Wednesday, April 16, 2014

We Are Movers!

Who are we?  We, was my mother (now diseased), my daughter, myself and probably countless other relatives that I didn't know had this compulsion!

 What is it?  It is the obsessive compulsion to move things!  That means nothing is left unmoved!  We move furniture and accessories, clothes in our closets and drawers, compulsively, and all the time!

Other than shopping, which gives me such a high only those afflicted can understand, moving things is the next thing that gives me such pleasure!  When I say we move things, it's not moving one
thing, it's moving a room or an entire house.  So let me explain.

My mother would move things obsessively.  I don't think I understood it back then like I do now.  My father was a 30 year navy veteran.  When my father had duty, which required him to stay on the ship overnight, my mother would move around the living room.  My poor father would come home after duty, and walk into the house in the dark and fall over things because he had no idea that my mother had moved the entire room!

Since I was married at 18 years old, I have moved things.  I'm not sure what drives the compulsion.  All I know is that it is an overwhelming urge to move things.  Now to explain.  It's not planning to move an entire room.  I could move a coaster.  That's one coaster, and then nothing else in the room seemed to be in the right place.  That meant hours of moving things until I felt like everything flowed cohesively.  It's such a compulsion. It's a driving force not to be denied.

When Heather and I had our boutique, we would get in merchandise, now it could be a tiny amount, maybe a dress, probably 4-6 pieces, and it would create such a moving frenzy.  We would literally start moving one thing to make room and then spend the entire day moving the entire store.  Now that was no small task to move around our entire boutique, but it would create such eupheora!  I'm not sure I can explain it!

Now I live in a small condo.  I spend an entirely huge amount of time trying to figure out how I can move things around.  Really that is not possible in such a small space, but that doesn't mean my brain isn't constantly thinking about it just in case I come up with something I haven't thought about yet!  And storage and space is another thing I constantly think about.  How can I maximize space and create storage at the same time?

Hayday is a computer game.  Now, I did not want to play Hayday.  It's a farm game.  I Am Not A Farmer!  I love farmers.  I'm just not one!   My granddaughter, Jadyn kept bugging me to play.  When she was at my house one day, she set up the game for me on my iPad.  I told her I was not going to play a farm game.  After all, I'm a city girl!  She set it up anyway.  One day she texted me and said, "Nana, get on your farm, I need something.  I got on because how can you deny the cries of your grandchild!  She walked me through how to get her what she needed.  That said, I started to play and I am so addicted to the game, it's unbelievable!  This is not the game an obsessive compulsive personality needs to play.  What it does for me is it allows me to move things on my farm obsessively!  Compulsively!  And I love it. I get my moving fix in and it satisfies the urge for me to move things. I know it's crazy!  I didn't say it wasn't!

If you can relate to this, I'm glad I'm not alone.  If you can't relate, well you don't know what you are missing! Is it good or is it bad?  I'm not sure. I just know, it's me, and I love me!  Ok, hold on!  Wait!  I see a room that needs rearranging!

I LoVe MoViNg ThiNgS!

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