Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Growing Up!

I used to think that growing up was for children. How many times did my mother say, "When you grow up." Or, "Wait until you grow up?"  Many more times than I want to remember.  I always thought, "When I grow up I'm going to do this or that." Or I'm going to do it my way!  Here's what I'm just beginning to realize,  I'm 57 years old and I still haven't grown up!

What is a grown-up?  If you Google it, and I pretty much Google everything, a grown-up is a person that has reached an age of maturity.  I have decided that even though I'm 57 years old, I have not reached an age of maturity.
Though, if you ask my grandchildren they will tell you that I'm very old! Don't you remember when you thought 50 was ancient?  I do. I can remember when I thought 30 was old. Now 100 doesn't seem too old to me!

In the mornings when I'm ready to get out of bed, I do think that 57 is old, but when I'm out with my girlfriends having a great time, I think 57 seems pretty young.  After all, in my head, I'm still 20!  Again, that's until the next morning when I'm trying to get out of bed!  I've decided that my body is much more grown-up than my mind!

When my daughter was young and she was going through tough times and figuring out life, her father told her that sometimes that horse will buck you and throw you off and that she needs to get up, dust herself off, and climb back up on that horse!  This morning my daughter asked me if I remembered him saying that?  I said yes, and then she said, "Well mom, just get back up and get on that horse again!"  Boy did I need to hear that!  As I hung up the phone I started laughing out loud and then I started feeling so much better!  Ok!  So the horse threw me off again!  So What!  Big deal!  Lesson learned!  So what am I doing now?  I'm  picking myself up, dusting myself off, and climbing back on that horse!  This time I'm holding on to the reins real tight. 

I've also decided that while I'm up on that horse called life, I'm going to laugh my way to maturity!  I think if I can just keep my sense of humor going, certainly I will achieve maturity with a smile on my face!  That seems like a great way to get there!  I love being around people. I like to have fun.  I love to laugh!  What  better way to say hello to maturity, whenever it comes!  Until then:

Giddy Up!

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