Sunday, January 25, 2015

ThiS Is My YeAr!

I'm not a New Year's resolution person.  I don't make them.  I never have.  I always saw so many people make resolutions and then a few weeks, or maybe months later they've gone back to their old habits and they feel like a failure.  I look at resolutions as the world's attempt to keep us feeling like we are unworthy.

What I have been doing over the last 4 1/2 years is putting my new life together.  One of those steps was choosing something about myself that I would like to change for the better and then working on that.  When I say something about myself, I mean something on the inside.  My first big challenge was to learn to love the person looking back at me in the mirror.  I would have to say, by far, that was the hardest one for me and the most rewarding!  I really do love me!  That doesn't come from ego by thinking that I am outwardly beautiful.  It comes from inside my heart by knowing that I am beautiful on the inside.  I like who I am.

I decided a few months ago, way before New Year's Eve that 2015 was going to be my year!  It is!  I can feel it.  I have an overwhelming faith that it will be!  I have that bubbling up, excited, overflowing, joyful expectation in my heart that God is going to bless me abundantly more than I could ever imagine this year!

Yesterday afternoon I took a beginners Yoga workshop and it physically kicked my butt!  I have not been physically active in a few years and I've decided it's time to get back in the game of life.  However, I do realize that it is not going to be easy!  I'm ready to put in the work.  I said all that to say that I was very sore this morning and didn't go to church so I turned on Joel O'Steen to listen to him.  I really like listening to his messages.  Guess what his message was about today?  You guessed it, "This is your year!"  I started smiling and thinking, "Ok God.  This is awesome!"  God was confirming to me again through Joel's message that this is my year!  Woohoo!

There are several things that I would love to see happen in my life this year
and God knows what they are, but I'm not going to limit myself to those.  I know that what God has in mind to bless me abundantly with is so much more than my small mind could imagine.  I have already had a major blessing this year and it's only January!

Just so you know, it's your year too!  It is!  Just have faith.  Keep telling yourself this is my year!  This is my year of abundant blessings and see what happens.  Don't expect things to go badly.  Expect them to go good!  As a matter of fact, expect them to go abundantly good!  Even when your in a situation where you can't possibly see how anything good could be happening, it can and it will!  Whether it's poor health, a lack of financial resources, unmet needs, etc., abundance can and will be given to you, if you will just allow them into your life!  It doesn't require luck.  All it requires if for you to ask and then believe that it will happen.  Unwavering faith!

Oh YeS!  I Am BLeSsEd!

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