Thursday, September 12, 2013

Service.......May I Help You?

I love how God sends subtle mEsSaGeS out to me!  Ask and you will rEcEivE!  I was talking in an earlier blog about how I was trying to figure out what path My life should be on.

The first message from God:  I felt sure that God was telling me to get off the path I was on, but I didn't know where to go. I wasn't having any fun anymore going out to bars and hearing the bands and dancing.  The last two months had been full of stress and drama every time I went out, so I thought this was God telling me, wrong venue!  At that point I decided to step back and wait for God to tell me where to go or what to do.  Since I'm the first person to admit I don't have any patience it was not easy for me to wAIt!

Second message from God: My church periodically offers a course called Alpha.  It was time to sign up for Alpha, so I kept getting a strong feeling that God wanted me to take this course, or so I thought!  A couple of Sundays ago I was talking to a friend that hosts a table at every Alpha course and told her I thought I should take the course.  She immediately told me that I couldn't take the
course because it is for new Christians or people searching for answers, but I could sErVe in Alpha.  She immediately introduced me to someone that is responsible for the kitchen staff for Alpha.  I gave her my phone number and name and she said she would call me.

Third message from God:  My last blog was about jOy.  While I was searching for quotes about joy, many of them had to do with sErViNG and how sErViNg others will give you joy.  I was like, okay God I hear you.  You want me to sErVe! I love it when I finally catch on and get the mEsSaGe!

Tuesday night was the Alpha kickoff so I went to sErVe!  I really enjoyed myself.  I met some wOnDeRfUl people and had the best time eVeR washing dishes!  I can't wait for next week!  Thank you, God!  I love where you put me!!!!  Talk about jOy!  I felt pUrE jOy!  I decided I'm going to be a jOy SpReAdEr!  Now it's going to take some practice for me to get there, but I love the feeling I get when I'm full of jOy, and the way for me to get filled?

SeRviCe!  MaY I hElP yoU?

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