Monday, September 23, 2013

You Get What You Get........or Do You?

Have you ever heard the sAyInG, "You get what you get and you don't pitch a fit?  My grandchildren have hEaRd it many times from all of us.  They know when we say it, that is it.  The discussion is over.  NoThIng is going to change, so be sAtIsFiEd with what you have.

While I was wAlKiNg on the beach the other night, talking to God.  I always do that. I was asking him for help.  I needed some iNsPiRaTiOn for this blog. I wasn't sure what I was going to write about.  After I asked Him, I said, "Ok God, now I'm going to be qUiEt so I can hEaR you. That's really not easy for me to be quiet!  I continued walking trying not to think over God.  I started getting the above rhyme in my head.  I just kept repeating it  over and over getting frustrated with myself and then I realized that was what God was telling me.  I couldn't quite figure out what I was supposed to do with that little children's rhyme and then it hit me!

That's what I did in my marriage relationship!  I took what I got and didn't question it.  And hOnEsTLy, I've probably done that in a lot of other instances. And I don't mean not being sAtIsFiEd with what I have and where I am.  I'm talking about settling for less than God intended for me!  I made up this line for my version of the rhyme, "I had what I had and it turned out real bad!"  SoRrY! That's exactly what I did.  I thought I had to settle for the inexcusable way I was treated all my life.  I always thought that whatever tiny bit of kindness or affection or common decency my ex-husband threw my way, it was good enough.  To me, those are two of the worse words in the English language when used together, "good enough!" I thought I should be happy with that.  I should sEtTLe.  After all, that's what I signed on for, right?

Well ladies, I'm hear to tell you that settling isn't gOoD enough!  What I had oVeRlOoKeD for all those years is that my Father is the King (Jesus)!   That makes me, the daughter of the King, a princess!  That's exciting!  I'm a pRiNcEsS!  I don't have to get what I get and don't pitch a fit!  That said, I'm wAiTiNg on my pRiNcE.  A princess should never settle for a fRoG, ever! A few months ago someone told me, "Well maybe you have to settle."  I settled the first time, and tRuSt me on that, I had a lifetime of misery.  I WILL NOT SETTLE! Not ever again. Having no one is better than sEtTliNg!   I am calling my awesome guy that God has pIcKeD out my "soulman," instead of soulmate.  I like that because the sOuL is on the inside. This time, I have a list of things that are important to me.  I am not going to sEtTlE, period.  The outer shell is not as iMpOrTaNt to me as the inner person. My ex-husband had a great outer shell, but was eMpTy on the inside.

I am very eXcItEd to meet my sOuLmAN!  I don't know when that will happen, because God's timing is perfect, but I do know that God has piCkEd him out just for me!  And because I'm His child, I know I do not have to worry.  I will not be diSaPpOiNtEd!  Of course, I do hope it's sooner than later.  I'm not getting any younger!  Thing is, none of us have to settle for or stay in a rElAtiOnShiP that is not good.  I wish I had this courage years ago.  But this was my time.  This was my time to be free and start over!  Woohoo!

I LoVe BeInG A PrInCeSs!


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