Saturday, November 30, 2013

My Bucket List!

In an earlier blog I talked about wanting to create my Bucket List!  So what do I think a bucket list is?  I think it's all the things I've never gotten to do or even all the things I want to feel, before I die!  Maybe I didn't get to do them because I didn't have enough money or maybe because I'm too afraid!  Maybe I didn't get to do them because I didn't have the support or encouragement to do them!  Maybe I didn't think what I wanted was important enough. 

There are also many feelings I'd like to experience.  Some of them I thought I had felt at different times in my life.  Now I realize that was not the case.  For that reason, I also included them.  For me, they are as important as what I've never done.  Fear has been instilled in me for a long, long time, but I think it's
time for me to stand up and say "Mountain, get out of my way!" You see, everything you are afraid of is a mountain!  God says that if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say, "Mountain get out of my way and the mountain will move!"  Wow!  Just think about that!  It's so powerful!  I CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS!  Me!  And so can you!  I don't know about you but I have an awful lot of mountains to move!  I'm ready for them to, "Get out of my way!" So here we go!

 I would love to leave this world with a smile on my face knowing I accomplished them all.  Maybe it's my chance to leave my small footprint on my world!  I'd like that!  I'd like to leave this world feeling accomplished!  I don't want to take my last breath uttering the words, "I Wish I Had Done ......!" 

Below is my partial Bucket List. I say partial because this is not all I want to do!  It's just all I can think of right now.  I'm going to keep adding to it as I think of new things.  I hope all of you have a bucket list. If you don't, NOW is the perfect time to start one!

(These are in no particular order)
Fly in an airplane.
Go to Montana.
See the Grand Canyon.
Travel Route 66.
Ride a horse.
Make snow angels!
Go on a cruise and have a blast!
Walk hand in hand on the beach with my guy!
Shop in Times Square.
Go somewhere where I have to get all dressed up!
Find my true love.
Be absolutely happy!
Smile all day because I can!
Know what being loved, really loved, feels like!
Take a trip on a train.
Ride in a cab in NY City.
Have a huge Christmas Tree.
Dance, dance, dance in the rain!
Rescue a lot of dogs!
Help someone know Christ!
Realize my journey!
Be important to someone special.
Be surprised!
Own a convertible!
Go to Nashville.
Stay in a Bed & Breakfast in the mountains!
Shop and not have to look at the price tags!
Spend a week in the Keys!
Go on an awesome adventure!
Realize my value.
Meet Willy Nelson!
Be a redhead!
Own a candy apple red Jag!
Sing a Karaoke song in front of a crowd!
Have a really good friend.

I CaN MoVe MoUnTaiNs!

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