Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Am I A Superhero or What?

I never thought of myself as a superhero! But maybe I am!  Let's see!  I can't leap tall buildings in a single bound.  I can't bend steal with my bare hands. I can't run faster than a locomotive.  I definitely don't change into my superhero clothes in a phone booth.

But here's what I can do.  I can stay up all night with a sick child and then go to work with no sleep for days on end.  I can vacuum, do 5 loads of laundry, mow the lawn, clean the bathrooms, run the kids to activities, prepare a great dinner, and clean up the kitchen with no help, all in the same day! I can smell a sale a mile away   I can shop till I drop, go home to rest,  get a call to go back out shopping, and go shopping again!  Now that's stamina!  I can organize the un-organizable!  I can inspire when I don't feel inspirational.  I can laugh when crying is what I want to do.  I can be a great mother even when I don't think I know how.  I can love the at times, seemingly unlovable.  I will stand up for what I believe is right.  I can be strong when I'm at my weakest.  I will put my big girl panties on and stand firm for what I believe in when I'm too tired to stand.  I will walk or run even though I feel like I can barely crawl.

What I've just described is what many of us do every day.  I do think I'm a superhero and I think you are too.  We are women.  We are the glue that holds our families together when everything around us is falling apart.  And that doesn't mean just those of us who are or were married.  That's most women.  We hold businesses together and are amazingly productive.  We multi-task multi-tasking!  When everything in our world is crumbling, we find the strength to carry on.

My superhero's name is Cyndi Claire!  She is my alter ego!  After all isn't that what a superhero is?  It's what you wish you were capable of being or doing.  She is awesome.  She is strong!  She is invincible!  She will persevere!  She is not afraid of anything!  She is everything Cyndi is not.  When I need her, I put on my superhero cape (Seriously, it's only an imaginary cape.  What fashion conscience woman would wear a real cape?) and I become Cyndi Claire!  My hero!

I found out I was a superhero when my daughter and I had our business together several years ago.  We got our mail one day and an envelope came addressed to Cyndi Claire.  That's when my daughter, Heather said that must be my alter ego.  Heather always tells me to bring Cyndi Claire out when Cyndi can't do something.  I love Cyndi Claire!  When I'm in a situation that I'm uncomfortable with or trying to do something I'm afraid to do, I whisper to myself, " Ok Cyndi Claire, I need you.  You can do this!" Believe it or not, it gives me the courage I need!

What does Cyndi Claire look like?  I'm not sure but since I'm only 5"1',  you can bet she's much taller than that!  And she's in great shape and she has long legs!  She's probably a blonde, or maybe a redhead.  I've always wanted to be a blonde, or a redhead! Stop laughing!  She's my superhero!  You can let your superhero look any way you want to!

So to answer the question, "Do I think I'm a superhero?"  I absolutely do!  And so are you!  So to all my superhero friends out there fighting all the battles set in front of you today, fight on!  And if you need a little help, just let me know.  Cyndi Claire is always ready for battle and just a whisper away!

Cyndi Claire to the Rescue!

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