Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Year, New Perspective!

Happy New Year everyone!  I am so very happy to start a new year!  I'm ready to leave 2013 in the past where it belongs.  So here's to an absolutely awesome 2014!

While I feel like a large part of 2013 was full of the mistakes I've made, I also feel like it was filled with a lot of success.  After all, it was my year of firsts.  It's the first time since I became an adult that I was not married.  It was the first time I have ever lived alone, EVER!  It's the first time I have ever been totally responsible for myself.  It's the first time I could do exactly what I want to do and not do what I don't want to.  It's the first time I didn't have to think about anyone else when making a decision. It's the first time I was forced to look deep inside myself and try to figure out who I am and what I want.  (I'm still working on that one!) It's the first time I really had to face the demons of my past and work on moving on to new beginnings!  It's the first time I realized just how blessed I am!

I don't make New Years resolutions.  I feel like it's just a set up for failure, but this year I've decided to set a few goals for myself. I'm determined to have fun reaching as many of them as possible by the years end!

I broke two iPhones in 2013, so here's to trying not to break any in 2014!  I don't want to spend any more time at the Apple Store.  Besides that, they are expensive to replace!

I'm declaring this my Happiness Year!  I know that there will be situations and people that will try to rain down on my happiness, but God says ALL things work together for the good, so I'm going to do my best when that happens, to walk away, take deep breaths, stop and ask God to show me the good that I need to see.  I've actually had a couple of situations come up very recently, so it gave me good practice.  Thing is, it worked perfectly.  Normally I would have been very upset, but instead I just talked to God about it and let the frustrations go.  I could see that I was given the perfect opportunity to understand God at work in my life.

I'm also going to be very kind to myself. I'm going to give myself a break. I'm going to stop judging myself so harshly. I'm going to stop demanding perfection from myself.   I realize that the mistakes I've made are just that, mistakes.  They happened so that I could learn from them, not beat myself up for them!  Thanks to my awesome baby sister, Karan for reminding me of that!  This is what she said, "The Bible says God is creating a work in us from the time we're born until we die.  It's about learning from the lesson and continuing to move forward!"  Wow!  I love her!

I'm going to indulge my inner princess!  I know I'm a princess because my Father, God, is The King of  Kings and that makes me a princess!  There are so many things I can do to make her happy!  I want her to smile on the inside so brightly that I can't contain myself on the outside!  I never realized I had an inner princess.  I found her when I learned to love myself over the last two years!  She is awesome and she deserves the best of everything!

I'm going to work diligently to erase some of my fears. I'm tired of fear sitting on my shoulder telling me what I can't do.  God says ALL things are possible!  Now, I have a lot of fears, so I'm going to start small.  I figure that way, I can sneak up on myself and conquer them before my mind realizes what I have done!  After all, it's my mind that works hard to remind me of all the things I'm afraid of and that I couldn't possibly do.

I'm bubbling over with excitement and anticipation waiting to see what God has planned for me this year!  Life is to be lived and I've decided I have been complacent way too long.  I am no longer going to accept mediocre to define my life.  I'm ready to learn to live my life with so much enthusiasm and happiness that I don't recognize myself anymore!

ThiS Is My HaPpiNeSs YeAr!

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