Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Gathering Strength!

There have been so many times in my life that I needed more strength than I thought I possessed.  There were so many times I didn't think I could survive another storm.  So how did I survive?  How did I gather the strength?  That's a question I've been pondering for several days. 
 Strength can come from so many different venues.  Of course now, I get my strength from God.  But what did I do before God?  The first half of my life I believed in God, but I did not have a relationship with Him.  There were many times back then that I was very angry with God.  I mean I was a good person so I didn't understand why God could allow all these terrible things to happen to me?  Back then when I needed strength,  I dug deep within myself and found the strength I needed to persevere. I think it was mind over
matter.  I was not going to surrender and lose the battle.  I would live to fight another day!  That was hard.  It was lonely. I didn't have anyone to talk to about it, or get advice from, or support me through it. It was all-consuming.  It drained every bit of energy I had.  There was more stress than I knew what to do with.  Of course, I did survive.  I made it through to battle another day, but at what price?  It was an empty victory.  It was a battle that I didn't have to fight alone, but I didn't know that then.  I didn't know that then, but I know it now!
The difference in my struggles today and my struggles back then are remarkably different. First of all, now, I do have a relationship with
God.  God and I talk all the time.  That's the great thing about God.  He is always available.  He always wants to hear from me.  He wants me to tell Him what I need and what's bothering me.  He wants me to ask Him what I should do.  He wants to help me. He wants to know my wants too.  The bible says, "You have not because you ask not,"  I decided that I may as well ask.  I have nothing to lose!  Sometimes I picture God looking down on me, shaking His head, and laughing!  He has this big smile on His face and I can just hear Him saying, "See Cyndi,  I told you so!"  I finally figured out that God's way is so much better than mine.  I still have struggles, they just don't have the power to consume me anymore.  Now that's victory!  That's gathering strength!
There are other ways that I gather strength too.  I also gather strength and inspiration from some wonderful friends and family that are in my life.  There are times when I allow my struggles to gain
way to much control.  It is those times when it seems like God brings someone in to my life so that I remember just how blessed I am.  It allows me to realize that all of us are suffering through some kind of trail.  Their strength to continue on inspires me more than they know.  There are many times that I don't know what to say to them.  My heart breaks for them and my soul aches for them.  I don't know if I could endure what they are enduring.  I think that they have immeasurable strength. I'm pretty sure they don't realize that.  I'm sure they don't know that they are inspiring me.  I'm not sure any of us realize the impact we have on each other's lives.  So, thank you!  I thank all of you for gathering the strength to endure and for sharing that strength with me.

To all of my friends and family, my prayer for you today and every day is for you to be able to gather strength.  I hope that you gather the strength to endure whatever it is you are in the midst of today and whatever lies before you tomorrow.  I hope you know that you are not alone.  Even though the battle you are fighting may be different than anyone else's, we can all encourage, comfort,  and inspire each other.  We can gather strength from God and each other always!

It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.
2 Samuel 22.33

GaThEriNg StReNgTh!

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