Sunday, September 8, 2013

Anger Doesn't Live Here Anymore!

Why, oh why, do I let some things make me lose control?  Why do I let them make me angry?  It's eMbArAsSInG  to even admit that they have so much power over me!  Am I cRaZy?

Feeling angry is so frustrating. It's so..........fRuStrAtInG!  The thing is, I'm not talking about life situations that anger me, I'm talking about my daily experiences with inanimate objects!  Why do I give them so much power?  SeRiOuSlY!  It seems like I am constantly fIgHTInG with myself and inanimate objects.

 Why is it that the vacuum cleaner can make me lOsE mY cOoL?  I mean, I take it out and start to vacuum and always, aLwAyS, the attachment I want to use is not on the vacuum! It's fallen off again and is on the closet floor.  Now I put it in it's right spot after every use, but its nEvEr there. Why can't it just stay where it's supposed to. I mean they made a special place just for it on the vacuum.

And then there's my iPad. I've been trying to write a book and do this blog and every time I get almost to the end of the blog, my iPad stops working right.  The keyboard mEsSeS up and I can't get to the section I need to. The cursor always goes back to the top and won't do anything!  I can't get to the right spot to insert a picture.   It takes me hOuRs, sometimes days to get finished and ready to publish one blog. It should be so simple.  BUT it's not.  I was so frustrated the other day, I told Heather that if she sees film on the news of a cRaZy WoMaN  in the parking lot beating her iPad to death and then running back and forth over it with her car, it was me!  Of course I did get the last laugh, I went out and bought a laptop!  Guess I showed that iPad! Or did I?

Or the TV. It has an "all on" button on the remote that is supposed to turn eVeRyThInG on that I need to watch TV but every time I push it, it does not turn it "all on!"  The TV never seems to turn on, just the cable box and of course the DVD player that I don' even want to use. I always forget this so that means that I've walked away from it and have to go back, get the remote again, hit TV power and then turn the DVD player off.  Then it does the same thing turning it all off.

So when I first moved in my condo and everything electronic was set up, I was going to use the DVD player.  I tried the remote and could not get it to work.  Several times after that I would try the DVD remote and I could never get it to work, so I gave up and just push the buttons on the front.  The other day I had a friend over and we were going to use the DVD player.  I got the remote and said, "I've tried to use this remote many times and I can't get it to work."  He looked at me and said, "That's a Samsung."  I was perplexed and said, "So what does that mean."  He said, "We'll, that's a Sony DVD player!"  Ok, pLeAsE stop laughing!  All this time I didn't have the right remote!

So maybe I do have a hand in some of my issues with inanimate objects, mAyBe!  I really think that when I'm not home they are sPrEaDInG the word between the other objects in my house to recruit new aggravations!  It's a cOsPiRaCy to see just how much I can take before I break!

But NOT ToDay!  ToDaY I've decided that I'm going to wIn this WaR!  I'm going to outsmart them all! Ha ha! I refuse to be dEfEaTed by my posessions any LoNGeR!  From now on I'm just going to wALk AwAy SmiLiNg!  We'll see wHo GeTs tHe LaSt LaUgH!!!!

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