Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What Makes My Soul Sing?

Do you know what it feels like when your SoUl SiNgS?  I mean that "better than happy" feeling that runs all through your body and you can't stop smiling!  It's the best of everything! It's more than you know you deserve, but are so happy God loves you enough to give it to you!   I lOvE it when mY sOuL sInGs!

My soul sings when I'm around my grandchildren!  I have 4 & 3/4?  I say 3/4 because we have a baby girl due to join our family the end of November!  I love them so much and what makes them happy, makes me hApPy!  I am blessed to be able to share in their lives.

I love being a "Nana on call!"  My fAmIlY knows that I am always available if they need me. I will pick or drop off, run errands, go on field trips, you name it, I'll do it!  Since my divorce, and a huge reduction of income, I don't have much money I can spend on them, but I have plenty of time to give them and I LoVe that!

 Jadyn is going to 10 very soon.  She just got a cell phone for her birthday!  She is loving that and so am I!  I love being able to call her or text her good morning and good night!  Evan will be 10 in January,  Diesel will be 8 in November and Salim just turned 6!

My soul sings when I see what awesome lives my children have!  They are blessed with beautiful, hEaLtHy children. They have bEaUtIfUl homes and wonderful friends.  They are blessed that they have such wonderful spouses!

 I love my daughter-in-law and my son-in-law.  They take exceptionally good care of my children and grandchildren.  I love them for many reasons, but one of the things I love them for is that they aBsOuLtElY LOVE my children!  My SoUl SiNGs!.

My soul sings when I think about how wOnDeRfUl my life is NoW!  I have a beautiful condo and it is very near mY fAvOrItE place, the oCeAN!

 I have my sweet shih tzu, LiLi BuTtErCuP.  I have great kids and greater grands!  I have  been blessed with the opportunity to start over!  I have the chance to change the way I LiVe my LiFe!  I have the chance to do so many things I never thought I would!  I get to see just how the positive outweighs the negative!  Most of all I get to eXpErIeNcE just how much God really lOvEs me!  My SoUl SiNgS!

My sOuL SiNGs every day when I get to take Lilli outside for a walk on the BeAcH!  I absolutely LoVe the bEaCH!  I mean it soothes my soul!  I don't think I can get any cLoSeR to God than I do when I'm walking on the BeAch!  I am always aMaZeD at the majesty of the ocean.  WoW!  It's just that awesome!

I hope that sometime tOdAy, you have the opportunity to see all the things in your life that makes your SoUl sInG!

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