Saturday, August 31, 2013

My Angel Encounter

I don't know how you feel about aNgEls.  I always believed there were angels but I certainly never thought I would meet one!

I'm going to share with you my aNgEl EnCoUnTeR!   It happened on July 18, 2012.  I know the date because it had such an impact on me, I went home and immediately wrote it down so I would be able to remember it all.   I still get gOoSeBuMpS all over and the hairs on my arms stand at attention when I think about it.  It was aMaZiNg!

So let me set the stage for you.  I was very distraught then, very depressed.  I mean down to my soul depressed.  We couldn't get the house sold. (That was part of the divorce agreement.)  I was trying so hard to get the divorce settled, but it was going nowhere.  My worse half (husband at the time) was causing all kinds of drama by doing things he was not supposed to be doing.  It was causing big arguments, not to mention we were still living in the same house and that in and of itself was indescribable pain.  (I'll save that for another day!)

Every morning I would take a walk on the beach.  It was a great sTrEsS reliever and I felt like I could think when I was there.  I am a very (OCD) routine person so I would do the same thing every morning.  Actually, I still do it every morning.  HeRe goes:  I walk onto the bEaCh, look up at the sky over the ocean and say, "Good morning God!  I love you.  Thank you for loving me and carrying me!"  So, on my angel encounter morning I had done that routine and then I started walking and talking to God.  I do that every mOrNiNg too!  I was telling Him how upset I was and that I knew He was carrying me because I couldn't survive this ordeal on my own.  But, I told Him, "Right now God, I don't see you AnYwHeRe!  I can't feel you aNyWhErE!  The house isn't selling and the divorce isn't moving forward and I can't start my life over until these things happen, and I don't think I can take anymore and........................ Please God show me you are here!"

So, a few seconds later,  I was walking about 6 feet from the waters edge when I spotted something sticking out of the wet sand.  As the water gently washed over it, I said to myself, "That looks like a
cross."  I walked over and picked it up and it definitely looked like a cross.  I had never seen anything like it before.  I still don't know what it is.  I'm holding the cross and staring at it in dIsBeLiEf.  I thought, "Ok God.  You put this here just for me to find as a sign of your love.  This was just for me so I would know You are with me, that you hadn't left me!"  I was shaking at the prospect that God would care so much for little, iNsIgNiFiCaNt me!  Now this story is good enough right here, BuT it gets even better.  Here's My AnGeL!

As I was looking at my cross and trying to figure out what it was, a lady had apparently been walking by me going the other way and saw me pick It up.  She turned back around and walked up to me and wanted to see it.  We talked about it for a few minutes, then she asked me if I was born again.  I told her, yes I was, and then she asked me if she could pray for me.  She said God had told her I needed prayer!.  At this point I was so amazed I could barely speak!  I told her yes she could and that I really needed it.  I told her I was going through and very bad divorce and that I had been married over 37 years.  She told me she was divorced after 34 years and she knew what I was going through.  We held hands and she began to pray the most beautiful prayer I have ever heard.  I felt God's love and the Holy Spirit run through me.  The warmth of the morning sun waming my face and the Holy Spirit warming the inside of my body was HeAvEnLy!  Absolutely, hEaVeNLy!.

I don't know if I will ever have another angel encounter.  I hope so!  I look for them everywhere.  It showed me that God's got this.  I knew right then, that there was a purpose for this journey I'm on.  It's sometimes very had to let go of control and sit back and see what happens.  The unknown is sometimes frightening. The world was very dark for me then.  I was desperate and God was there to show me the way, even when I couldn't see Him!  He had a plan.  He did have control.  He not only sent me a cross to show His love, He sent me an AnGeL to comfort me!  I got to talk to and hold hands with my aNGel!  It was AmAzInG!

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